Plants Database
Pasture Weed Control Database
Use 1.33 oz/A of Outrider with 0.25% nonionic surfactant in 10 to 40 gallons of water per acre as a broadcast application. Apply to actively growing johnsongrass that is at least 18 to 24 inches tall and up to the heading stage. Weeds to be treated should not be mowed or grazed for two weeks before or after application. Bermudagrass may be harvested after the 2-week period without any effect on Outrider performance. Weed response to Outrider is very slow. It may require up to 1 month for weeds to become brown. Tank mixing Outrider with herbicides formulated as amines (including 2,4-D) may decrease the effectiveness of Outrider on johnsongrass. For spot treatment, mix 1.33 oz/A of Outrider in 100 gallons of water with 0.25% nonionic -surfactant. Apply this as a spray to wet application. Pastora at 1.5 oz/A is effective for johnsongrass control. It will also control many broadleaf weeds. Follow the surfactant and timing outlined for Outrider.