Plants Database
Pasture Weed Control Database
It is possible to achieve partial control of some oak species using 2,4-D alone at 2 qt/A. Improved control can be achieved by using a mixture of 1% Grazon P+D plus 0.25% -Remedy Ultra as an individual plant leaf spray. Add 0.25% nonionic surfactant. Basal bark treatments are very effective on oaks with stem diameters of 4 inches or less. Mix 1 quart -Remedy Ultra Ultra with 3 quarts diesel fuel, vegetable oil or light mineral oil and apply to the lower 18 inches of the stems with a Conejet 5500 X-1 or X-3 nozzle. -Agitate the mixture before spraying. JLB Oil Plus is a ready-to-use basal oil carrier that may be used in place of diesel fuel.